Sunday, September 12, 2010


Workout - 3.1/39:54
Avg. Pace - 12:51

Tonight's run was a mixture of walk/run. I wanted to make it to 3.1 miles, because I registered for a 5k this weekend with several of the ladies I teach with. Most of us will walk, but I'd really like to push myself and run the entire thing.

At one point in tonight's run, I almost had a heart attack. I turned right at a corner in my neighbor hood and there were two little dogs going ballistic at some fenced in dogs. I stopped in my tracks and took off the other way, looking over my shoulder the entire time. One of them looked just like the dog that attacked me several months ago....I didn't stick around to see if it was the same dog!

Tonight when I was stretching before my run, my sweet boy sat down with me to "stretch" and listen to music. Isn't he the cutest?!?!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feeling great

Workout - 1.27/14:49
Average Pace - 11:40

Tonight was run number 2 since my time off and it wasn't too bad. My leg feels great! I actually went two full miles, but I stopped the Garmin during my walk breaks. It's such a bummer to think that 3 months ago I was running up to 4.5 miles without a problem! I'll get it back!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gotta start somewhere....

Workout - 1.04
Pace - 10:56

I didn't forget about this blog. I've taken some much needed time off so that my leg would heal completely. I really hope I've rested long enough and that when I wake up in the morning I'm able to walk.

I went to The Runner in OKC last week and got fitted for some new shoes. They're not pretty, but they felt great!


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