Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A new beginning

I started running about two months ago. In the beginning I used a Couch to 5k app on my iPhone. I quickly began to enjoy the three times a week I spent running/walking. This was the only time I got to myself all week long. Don't get me wrong, I treasure every moment I spend with David and Liam, but I've gotta have some time with my own thoughts every now and then! I was having so much fun that I eventually ditched the Couch to 5k program and started running at my own pace.

In the last two months, I have ran in two 5k's. I started with The Aquarium Run in Jenks. It was SO much fun! Everyone was super friendly and there for a good time. I had three goals for that race:
1. Don't stop to walk....CHECK
2. Don't finish last....CHECK
3. Cross the finish line....CHECK

My time was slow, but I am not a fast runner, hence the name of this blog, "Slow and Steady...finishes the race". I think my chip time was 36:17. I didn't even care about my time. All I was worried about was that I achieved all three of my goals!

I was on such a high after I finished The Aquarium Run that I decided to sign up for another 5k, the Bricktown Blaze. My one goal for this race was to finish sub 35:00. Well, that didn't happen. This race was miserable. It began at 5:30, which means it was BLAZIN' HOT. There were so many times during the race that I almost quit. It was so hard, but I kept pushing. I stopped at both water stations out and back, took a few drinks and then poured what was left down my back. It seriously felt like this race was never going to end. I finally crossed the finish line with a chip time of 37:09. Pathetic.

Since that race, I have been so sore and discouraged that I haven't gone out for a run. It's been three days. Three days wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that I was supposed to start training for my first half two days ago, meaning I've already missed two runs. Oops.

With this blog I hope to hold myself accountable in my training. I will use this as a way of tracking my runs. I plan to blog each day that I go for a run....starting with today....a new beginning. Here's to the beginning of a healthier me!


Carrie said...

I am so excited about your new blog, Amanda! I recently started the couch to 5K and I am almost done! I am doing the 29 minute runs this week! It has really changed how I feel after having two babies,,, and I am loving it! I am so proud of you for training for a half! That is awesome! Maybe some day I will follow in your footsteps :)


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