Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wish List

Since I'm unable to run right now, I thought I'd make a list of a few things that I'd like to eventually purchase. First up, the Road ID. This is something that David and I will have to get once we start running outside of our neighborhood. I think I'd like the pink one. :)
Then, there's the foam roller. I've read about these on a lot of blogs. They're supposed to help you stretch really well and avoid injury. It's a little late for that. :(
I saw a guy running with one of these the other day and I was jealous. I almost stopped and asked him for a sip. It's a Nathan Handheld water bottle. I know that I don't need hydration on my runs yet. I'm not running long enough or far enough. But...my mouth gets so dry when I run, especially in this heat. It'd be nice to have! Once again, I'll take pink!!!
This is something else that I'd like to have. I've heard that Jillian can really work miracles and my upper body and abs need a miracle!!!
And, this CamelBak water bottle is strictly something I want, not need. I have this weird thing for water bottles and cups. I saw this one at Target and instantly thought it needed to be added to my collection!

I'm off to the doctor this afternoon to hopefully figure out what's going on with my right leg. I know that even though I've taken time off from running, my leg isn't better. I'm hoping my doctor can give me some encouraging news!



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