Friday, June 18, 2010

Why run?

I've been asked this question a lot lately. It's got me thinking. Why have I suddenly decided to become a runner at the age of 30?

In college I dated a cross country runner, so I was surrounded by runners. During that time I started running so that I could lose weight and fit in with the females on the cross country team. I was never good at it and never ran farther than 3 miles. For some reason I just quit one day until it was time to get married. Once again, I started running. A couple of months before the big day, I ran my first 5k race. I have no idea what my time was, but it couldn't have been too bad because I got first place in my age group! As soon as the I do's were over, I quit running just as fast as I started. Then, there were the months when we were trying to get pregnant. At the time, I thought that not getting pregnant immediately was the worst thing that could happen. So, I started running off and on throughout the 8 months we were trying to conceive. Running was my outlet. I'd hop on the treadmill and get my anger out. Throughout all of these times, I never thought of myself as a runner.

So, why now do I consider myself a runner? I feel like for the first time I'm running for me. I'm not running to lose weight, although that is a great side effect. I'm not running to make someone else like me. I'm running because it's what I want to do. So, here are some of the reasons I want to run...

-I love the way running makes me feel. I am so happy after every single run and I have so much more energy than I used to.
-I love that my butt and thighs have toned up. :)
-I love running clothes and gear! (I'm currently a bit obsessed with getting a Garmin!)
-I love that I am setting an example for my son. Hopefully by watching David and I live an active lifestyle, he will do the same.
-I love having time to myself.
-I love having a goal to work for. November 21st, the day of the half I am registering for, will be here before I know it!
-I love that I have cut my daily dosage of blood pressure meds in half since I began running! I hope to soon be completely off of blood pressure meds!

These are just some of the reasons why I (recently) became a runner. I could really go on forever!


Casey said...

So proud of you!


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